Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Princess who?

This morning, I got to read about God’s work in a boy’s life. This boy was out looking for his dad’s lost cattle. And at the point of desperation, when he was about to head home, his servant suggested that they go consult a seer and ask about the cattle. This seer told this guy that he should forget about the animals, for God had planned to give him something more. He was anointed as the first King of Israel. His was Saul.

Before, I too was looking for something, for success, acceptance and worth. But like Saul at the point of desperation, God gave me something more. He met me at a crossroad, took me in His arms and told me “rest my child, I’m carrying you. I am your Father from heaven who loves you so much. Your sins? They're forgotten.”

Imagine being a child of the King of kings. I have my own ups and downs, but I can definitely say it's peaceful and exciting. I do look forward to my daily adventures with my Father. My name is Mitzi and I’m a princess.

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